Fantastic read! Thank you. I lived in West Berlin for a couple of years during college. Living surrounded by a communist country, East Germany, brought home how tenuous Freedom really is. I am so astounded/flabbergasted by what I’ve seen since Clinton was president here. I never thought I’d witness weaponizing the IRS, DOJ, FBI by DC. When Obama said he admired XI, now I understand why. Social credits right around the corner if they’re successful. God bless you (and us).

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Watermelon movement. Green outside, Red inside. Great read thanks.

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Two things I have been pondering for a while now. First as relates to the red guard, the Chinese population was not well armed, but the American population is, I believe this is why the communist party U.S.A. aka, the democrat party is so committed to gun control. Second, right now the communists have imported millions of ideological opponents in the form of islamists, everything the communists believe is diametrically opposed by the Islamists and there will be a conflict between them, what will that look like?

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2nd Amendement is vital. On your second point, we are already seeing these ideologies clash in the streets. The woke jihad marches on despite its clash in values: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-wage-a-progressive-jihad

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I think it will look this:

The woke will help usher in Islam only to turn around and be killed by jihadists unless they convert.

Someone remind me: weren’t a lot of Mao’s Red Guard disposed of after they did his dirty work?

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Yes once the Red Guard became inconvenient to Mao he sent in the army to hunt them down and murder them by the millions as I recall. As Jesse Kelly states, the communists have murdered far more of their own than any other group.

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That’s what I thought I remembered learning, thanks.

So yeah, this is what will happen to the woke that support jihadists.

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Good work, Yuri. Its curious how well "O'Bama's" logo fits this scenario.🤔

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The hope and change campaign used nuclear grade propaganda weapons.

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The problem with your theory is that the red guards had balls and got things done. These people don't. If they had half an ounce of the courage - misplaced as it was - of the red guard youth, they would be overturning pickup trucks and destroying oil infrastructure.

The red guards sought to change society. Like it or not, they did. What we have here is rather a hyperspecific intra-left pressure campaign targeted at officials and at social media. The red guards sought to change things from the bottom up. These goons think a revolution means getting lots of likes on social media, and getting your face on TV.

The red guards - misguided as they were - believed in making change by physical action. These "green revolutionaries" believe in making change through "visibility" - that is, by becoming famous. You are not looking at serious activists or revolutionaries, you are looking at wannabe youtube stars.

(And do recall that social media star is the #1 dream job for our current youth. What do we want? TV appearances! When do we want them? Starting from our teen years so we can be famous like Greta! Rah rah rah!)

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Serious questions - you don't think the BLM riots and months long occupation of chunks of various cities counts as "real action?"

The burning and looting of stores also does not count as "action" for you?

The shutdown of courts? That's not enough?

The EPA standards that make shipping more and more expensive? The backlog in the ports in California, where a huge chunk of goods meant for the whole country come in, because of CAFE standards that make tens of thousands of trucks instantly "illegal"?

Can you explain what more you think is needed to count as "real action"?

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Unfortunately, that was brilliant.

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Ever tried to get signs printed? It all costs money. Whenever you see kids waving nicely printed banners and placards, especially big ones, you can be sure someone else paid for it all. These WASP-coloured phonies are about as legit as a three dollar bill. Betcha all their parents are Feds.

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Well done Yuri!

We will never escape the repeating response loops - created and taught to the masses by the orchestrator and rulers. No better way to control the ignorant mobs of pack animals, than the carrot and stick. Apply pressure in varying amounts and ways, to achieve the desired response, behavio and outcome.

We have thousands of years of hindsight at our fingertips and still we refuse to learn.

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Spot on. My post on Sunday will discuss this topic. Why do people remain asleep when they have access to all information and knowledge in their pockets?

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Not to shamelessly promote my own premises, but it is taught and then perpetuated by the commoners, as they teach it to their progeny. What you are left with are societies of ruled commoners who, on the whole, indoctrinate their own children to believe that the most important pursuits in life are Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment - and to achieve these 3 things and any trade one has to make to maintain the status quo, is warranted.

I'll keep an eye out for the coming post.

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The device in all our pockets can isolate as well as liberate.

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Brilliant and true!

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I came for the memes. I was not disappointed.

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F-ing brilliance. Read it!

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🤣🤣😍 Yuri I was lmao!! So spot on. Omg one of your best yet. It's overdue and you were the perfect one to do this!!!

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Hey Tovarisch, maybe you can splain something to me. Whenever I see pics of the left in full-blown ideological frenzy, it is usually 75-80% females. They have the light of insanity glowing in their eyes. Are the lefty soy-boys just there for the girls?

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Anti depressants and birth control are a hell of a drug cocktail.

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Dangit Man...😂😂😂

Let me see if I get this straight...Mass communist movements to destroy society are the result of SSRIs and birth control pills???

In the words of the Sicilian, "Inconceivable!"

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So what you’re saying is that you think AOC is hot.

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Even her harshest critics would admit she is a 1 on the binary scale.

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I've been singing🎵 to my Leftist acquaintances when occasion arrises-

" Where have all the Hippies gone? Long time passing...

Where have all the Hippies gone? Long time ago...

Where have all the flowers gone!

Gone to Maoists! Some of them.

When will they ever learn?

Why will they ever burn???!

Keep on 'Rockin' the Free World Yuri!

Some of us made it through the Cultural Devolution (talk about demoralizing- mask wearing, syringe toting Neil Young, Joni Mitchel &c)

Just before the Planned Democide I 'happened' to read "Maoism" by Julia Lovell, hot off the presses. Checked out from a local library, since moved to the closed stacks downtown!! New(2019), comprehensive, global study of the insidious nature of Communism and the historical competition with Russia. She talks about how in the US, during the Sixties, many Hippies began sporting Red Stars and carrying little Red books!!

I don't know what's up with Bob Dylan, hope he's ok. The best he could do lately was a single about JFKjr. Well that's something!

"But I keep pressin' on.

To higher calling of my God!"🎵☝️🗽

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Great song, and I've heard of them before! Thanks!🎶🎵👍

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