This is a result from catering to criminals, low IQ's and mentally unfit people. It's also pretty sick that anyone thinks it's more compassionate to have mentally ill people living outside instead of an institution.

We may never see that manifesto because she probably talked about her plan to kill white Christian's. The black janitor who was killed was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The incident has been memory holed because she didn't fit the narrative.

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The left made a demoralized jiu jitsu move by drowning out attention from the 6 Christians to the 3 insurrectionists who stormed the state house.

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Biological Leninism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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It's likely been memory-holed because it undoubtedly illustrates very starkly the failures of our healthcare system in identifying and treating psychosis. Her parents were probably clueless or in denial about the extent of her incapacity. Telling her to sell her gun rather than ensuring she was prohibited from purchasing weapons was a terrible failure on their part. They seemed to think devotional reading would solve most of her problems.

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Hi Yuri, nice post. It reminds me strongly of this 2013 4chan post, which has turned out to be unfortunately quite prescient: https://ibb.co/yYk3nxc

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Nick Johnson has documented the decline of American cities on his YouTube channel for years.


For what it’s worth, a nostalgia for cities can only go back so far. Prior to the automobile, when animal-driven wagons were far more common, there were animal feces nearly everywhere. Garbage collection not as common, yada yada. Oh wait...just kidding, it’s like that today in many FUPAZ zones. 🤣😂

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Cool link GLF. I'm finally finishing Volume 2 of the Gulag Archipelago and will be starting People Trilogy by Dikotter (because actual life not depressing enough). BTW, your substack page is brilliant.

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How are you liking Gulag Archipelago?

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I very much enjoy the books (minus the human tragedy part). They are such a great example of the misery humans are capable of inflicting on others....so just another day in the history of mankind. All three volumes comprise about 2,000 pages, which is quite a commitment. In practice, i have been reading the first two volumes over the last several years making the most progress when I go on vacation. I strongly suggest reading the books if you have not. An added bonus is that to appreciate the stories, you don’t have to have a strong grasp on Soviet history.

P.S. I love your moniker.

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Thank you for the recommendation. I loved Christian Bale in American Psycho. I paid much more attention to business cards after that movie.

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“Oh my God, it even has a water mark.”

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Thank you based comrade for the comment!

That’s quite a reading commitment!

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I'm always impressed how much I can accomplish when Mrs. American Psycho is out of town. Cheers and keep up the good work and witty comments.

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Oh, very well, then. For fun and frolic, compare recent YouTubes of downtown Philadelphia with those of downtown Harare in Zimbabwe.

In Harare, we see well-dressed, well-mannered people strolling and going about their daily business. In Philly, pretty much every pedestrian is an obvious heroin addict.

Philadelphia makes Zimbabwe look good.

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"Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left." ~ Herbert Marcuse

This is why Abramson and everyone else on the Left will shriek and moan about the slightest pushback from the Right (INSURRECTION! VIOLENCE! REBELLION!) while encouraging (even going so far as to fund or actively participate in) actual violence from the Left.

Yes, it's hypocrisy, but they don't see it that way. They see it as a necessary component of their very nature.

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Their primary way of viewing the world is via power dynamics meaning the hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.


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One of my favorite quotes from the ancient Greek historian that recorded the Peloponnesian War:

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." ~ Thucydides

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It is perhaps a little dishonest not to recognize that the fanaticism of Communism--as with the fanaticism of every other religion ever--grew from the rage and despair of people whose families and neighbors experienced the extreme suffering of poverty and helplessness to avert its cruelties. They too were vowing "never again."

The nice "before" pictures you post don't portray the slums, the garrets, the 10 yr. olds working to help support families where most of their siblings would die anyway or be fragile throughout their lives.

How do these things happen? Well, how did the message of Christ become perverted in action? How did the faithful go so off-track as to create the Spanish Inquisition or exterminate Christian sects that held to later-disfavored interpretations of the frequently-updated eternal truths of the message?

All imposed doctrines run amok. That's just human nature, that once power is achieved by any group anywhere, it grows like a cancer.

All terrible movements grow from the terrible rage and frustration of seeing other people have lives of comfort and beauty. That's a natural impulse, isn't it? To wonder why those women in their lovely garments are so blithely unaware of suffering while they push their babies in elegant prams, and you've seen your own mother destroyed by the death of yet another infant?

The two things that make me nuts are injustice and lying. You can't fight against them by indulging in them too. Converts to socialist movements often had the same emotional and spiritual crises as you describe as leading to your own spiritual transformation. People are desperate for things to *be better.*

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I know this wasn't your main point, but I resolutely correct misunderstandings of the Spanish Inquisition that lead people to use it as shorthand for horribleness.

Total number of death penalties handed down by the Inquisition during its entire existence: 826 according to the best source, between 1000-3000 according to other sources. That's across two centuries. The executions were carried out by the secular authorities, not the Church. The death penalty was only imposed on heretics who absolutely refused to recant.

Inquisition jails were so much better than secular jails, and the trials so much fairer, that people frequently PRETENDED to be heretics so they could get transferred!

The popular image of the Inquisition is a black legend with no basis in fact. Otherwise well-educated Substackers should stop lazily believing the liars who promulgated myths in place of history.

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It's the concept itself that's the great monstrosity.

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The progressive mindset would have us burn everything to the ground such that, arm-in-arm, all the Comrades could, inclusively and equitably, sift through the still-smoking debris together.

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in the rubble we shall at last all be Equal.

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I'm not much for poetry anymore but this by Auden remains a favorite, and I think it captures truth about the human condition pretty well:


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The homeless drug addicts, criminals, decay and destruction are leftist/communist demoralization force multipliers. Once the commissars squeeze out the Yuris of the city, they'll swoop in, buy up all the real estate cheap, clean up and liquidate the riff raff and rabble, and the cycle will repeat.

Case in point is the change in NYC from the 70s-80s Mad Max movie set to the gentrified Giulianni-Bloomberg years of 1993-2013. In 2013, Comrade DeBlasio was installed as mayor to begin the catabolic phase of the process, and now they have the borderline retarded POC mayor Adams to push the city off the proverbial cliff.

Fun to watch!

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Yuri, this is one of your best, most based articles. We should all strive to be anti-communists.

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In the words of the Lee Ving, the legendary front man for the band Fear, "New York's all right if you like saxophones."


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Society without God, without creed.

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Yuri has coined some of the best acronyms ever! Karenland FUPAZ (Federation of Urban Progressive Autonomous Zones) - love it!

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An eye opener reading these reports, Yuri should have a TV channel. Absolutely on the right track.

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I would like to see a shift from American-centric false dichotomy politics and a stronger focus on parallel society/Czech-intellectual style solutions to our current problems.

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Thanks . Great reminders. We are indeed in great KarenLand.

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