Madness. Thank you for sharing Yuri, and for the warning everyone in the West needs to hear.

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Thank you for defending our freedoms with your brothers in arms.

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Oh gosh, Yuri. I thought I was fine until you posted the McDonalds plaque. I was showing my daughter and burst into tears. When did we become the bad guys? How can we deserve the sacrifice that your grandparents and countless others made? I remember watching Tiananmen from the couch at my sorority house, excited and proud that freedom would win. How mistaken I was.

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Thank you Cheryl. Everyone has the power to take a stand.

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It can’t happen here. DNC

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I understand your every word. I guess we misunderstood the evilness of evil. Plus we didn't want to hear it from the people who warned us. We gave up the fight. We let the little warning signs go by without question because we underestimated our own power "to know" what was in front of our eyes and our own ability and responsibility to do something about it.

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Do you think the fight for freedom is over? Do your part. Share this post. Encourage anyone you can to stand up. Speak up! When leaders try to lead us at first with a flaxen thread and then later with chains towards a hell of slavery, say and do something. Was it not Edmund Burke who said "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men (and women) to do nothing."

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Good question: Is the fight for freedom over? It isn't over in the US or Canada or the EU. It might be over in China if they receive the requisite guns and butter, or more likely, food, electricity, clothing, an apartment, and an EV. That would seal the deal for most CCs.

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Now that Hong Kong is banned from commemorating this tragic massacre it is up to the Chinese diaspora and any freedom supporters to keep remembering and reminding the CCP of their crimes.

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This reminds me that I really need to know more about this particular period in history. As always, I love when you depict images of the past and present. It speaks volumes. What depravity! What a nightmare!

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"This reminds me that I really need to know more about this particular period in history"

Don't we all?


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I don't know what sources to trust.

But I do percieve that there is a hand shaking our jar, trying to get us ants to fight.

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Difficult to imagine the countless number of innocent souls ground under the wheel of that evil system. Thanks for sharing all of this, it’s important that people understand how dangerous these ideologies truly are.

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Speechless. And seeing the older pictures next to what is happening now is sobering.

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Three thoughts:

1) May we openly remember the horrors of Tiananmen without fear of reprisal or need to call it May 35th.

2) From one descendent of the non-CCP diaspora to another, I hear you. My grandparents fled Hong Kong just as the Great Leap Forward was picking up steam.

3) China’s demographics are in full scale collapse, their population set to roughly halve over the next 25 years. The CCP is walking a fine line and thus increasingly desperate. One can only hope they don’t do anything truly stupid like invade Taiwan to prove they’ve still got it.

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Studying this is a soul-branding experience for those willing to face it. The only thing that makes facing it possible is the knowledge that, as immortal spirits, we will live into the future and have a chance to fight for freedom.

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Complicit Bushies sold-out laobaixing, probably thought they could contain the CCP. Historical tragic miscalculation.

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So did Bill Clinton and Imam Barack Hussein Soetero Obama.

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There was a time in China and the USSR when you needed government permission to travel abroad. Seems that's now true for the USA.


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The USSA. United Security State of America.

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“They’re not after me. They’re after you and I’m just in the way”. DJT

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I too had hope for freedom then. Makes me so sad for the Chinese people who have suffered for centuries under despots and foreign powers and today under their own home grown dictators. The parallels of the struggle sessions and modern America are chilling. God Bless your brave family.

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As a thought experiment, imagine if the protests had succeeded given what we know about the collapse of the USSR, the rise of the oligarchs, and the subsequent western looting operation. Would China have found their Putin? Ukraine didn't, and look at them now. Same goes for the rest of the soviet republics with one or two exceptions.

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Came across this thread about Tianamen Square yesterday Comrade Yuri, by a western Shanghai Daily apparatchik. But some of it from wikileaks diplomatic cables with the CIA and it's "National Endowment for Democracy" at the center of more regime change, on the ground organizing students, plus a token appearance by the sulfur emmitting Commissar Pelosi. Says that as few as 300-400 may have been killed, and nearly half could have been soldiers killed by students. Was taken down by the author on threats by Twitter, or mass reporting by Langley bots a few hours ago. Not saying its "factual" whatever the hell that means these days. But they lied about everythings else so, nothing should be off the table for an open mind. We're in an information war, so don't forget your 40% discount on super male vitality to help us fight the chicoms.


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Thanks for sharing, Citizen. In an empire of lies, it is difficult to determine truth. That is why I interviewed Fengsuo Zhou, one of the student leaders who was in Tiananmen Square til the last possible minute when the troops rolled in. He saw the bloodshed and it was real. The thread appears to be written by a baizuo court eunuch who his sold his soul to spew CCP propaganda.

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Yuri, just ignore this CCP tool.

Look at the article he posted a link to. He is being paid to quell protests.

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"The thread appears to be written by a baizuo court eunuch who his sold his soul to spew CCP propaganda."

That's your response? Character assassination? Did you even read the article which cites multiple credible sources?

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I saw the news coverage. I don’t need to worry about anything else regarding it.

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CNN or BBC? FOX wasn't around back then.

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CNN. I haven’t watched Fox News since Election Night.

The CCP are mass murderers. Your attempts at quelling this entirely peaceful protest are a waste of time. Go try to lie to people on some other site or page.

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I don't get why you're so angry. All I did was present an alternate account of the events backed by reliable sources. I'm not excusing the Chinese govt. but neither do I like being lied to by my own govt. or MSM. This Tiananmen narrative sounds a lot like the current MSM narratives about Russia. Do you believe them as well?

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Thanks for posting that. It bears mentioning that there was no internet back then. The students were using Fax machines to relay what was happening and most, if not all of the visual evidence came from western news sources that had already left the square before the alleged massacre occurred.

I was in China in 1988, a year before the events, and I saw nothing to indicate that something like the protests were in the offing. Andy Boreham reports that there was US NGO involvement, which I find credible given that that's the modus operandi of western intelligence in sponsoring colour revolutions, such as we've seen in Ukraine and elsewhere.

For what it's worth, I followed events very closely because I had a friend at the time who was studying at UBC for her PhD in chemical engineering. Like her, I accepted the MSM narrative at the time. On the basis of that, my friend abandoned China and sought refugee status in Canada, which was granted. So one outcome of the western narrative was that China lost a highly qualified chemical engineer, whose tuition and costs had been paid for by her government from the time she first enrolled to when I met her, a period of about 6 years.

There was definitely violence on that day, but it didn't happen in the square as far as I can determine. I saw video of violent clashes at other locations and in other cities such as Shanghai, but the people involved seemed a bit old to be students and looked more like paid agitators. Who paid them is a matter of speculation. Could have been western sponsored, could have been govt. agents sent to discredit the movement, could have been organized crime gangs working for some oligarch. Who knows? All I can say is they didn't look like students, who were typically younger and not nearly as militant.

At any rate I find Andy Boreham's account credible and in line with several other sources I cited here and the guy in no way deserves the character assassination that our host dismissed him with.

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The best analysis has been done by Ron Unz. His conclusion. It did not happen. Wiki leaks exposed a classified report from a diplomat who was there right to the end and said there was no massacre. Remember how 66% of Americans thought Saddam was responsible for 9/11. American psy ops is excellent. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-gaza-protests-and-the-legend-of-the-tiananmen-square-massacre/

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Thank you for the reminder. My first thought after that happened, in my still young & naïve head was, “I’m going to boycott buying anything from China.” How’d did that work out? For months, I looked at the labels and realized, a lot of the things I can afford are made in China!

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Thank you, Yuri, for telling the truth. Truth is the best way to defeat liars.

(Although COUGH other means are often helpful and necessary.)

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The McDonalds award is pretty cool. Great to have heirlooms like that. I really don’t want to die on this toilet America

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How ignorant of CCP history do you have to be to become their TOOL?

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I bet many of those people aren't even ignorant of the CCP history, they just don't care. Or worse, they're tankies and celebrate it.

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Walk the CCP dog from 1921 to present and, if you "don’t care” about an ideology that starved/murdered 100M (not counting the 350M babies killed by One Child) of their own people, you too are a sociopath/psychopath.

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Absolutely, I think you hit the nail on the head.

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