Brilliant per usual!

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Amazing memes, always make me laugh. These people are very brittle. It doesn't work the other way around. I voted Trump in 2020 but if i'm around someone socially who is critical of him it doesn't make my head explode.

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Yes this is the main difference. we can take criticisms in stride and still have a good time.

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I thought your inclusion of a lack of a sense humor in the description of TDS was one of the most important. We live on Earth. It's a rough place to be much of the time. A sense of humor is required for sanity. So, anyone who has none, by definition, has mental issues of some sort.

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Yes and a lack of sense of humor is 100% correlated with not a lick of common sense.

If you want to test this hypothesis just go to a school board or city council meeting.

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I agree. But I think in some ways their hysteria is their weapon. Even if possibly unconsciously for many. It causes people to kind of go 'alright alright already' and want to avoid them. Rather than deal with the headache.

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It absolutely is.

The answer is to maintian eye contact till one their tirades is over, not speaking.

Then quietly tell them one point that is an obvious lie.

Then quietly move on.

They will hate you, but they still have to deal with it. And they are deathly afraid of you if you don’t subscribe to the Hive Mind.

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Hate is a symptom of TDS as well. Politicians and the MSM are just exploiting the most stable of emotions.

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Hatred is the root of TDS. Hatred is blinding. It is an irrational emotion. It is a poor basis for rational decision-making. It is weakness. It must be overcome, not obeyed.

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Unfortunately it is obeyed if people think they have the moral high ground or feel threatened.

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."

- Aldus Huxley

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I think this explains the Rwandan genocide. The Hutus had their own brand of TDS.

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Yes. But I think TDS is usually terminal b/c when you prove them wrong they retreat into ego survival mode which is full denial of fact-based arguments and from which retreat is impossible. Think Wile Coyote. And it manifests in disparate ways. Case in point: I sent a friend a video which she refused to watch b/c it was from Odyssey which is "conservative." The subject of the video? The retrieval of a wrecked Byzantine ship by the Turkish Archeological authorities. You just can't make this stuff up,

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The ego is the enemy.

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I believe Schopenhauer referred to it as "intellectual vanity."

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Yea, I don't bother anymore. No matter what platform it is, they call it conservative BS.

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I like your article. The only thing I really disagree with was the meme that compares riots to Jan 6th and no murders on Jan 6th. There were 2 that were murdered, Ashley Babbit and Rosalyn Boyland. May they be resting in peace. One was shot by police and one was crushed by police. I think TDS is the number 1 killer of The American Spirit.🇺🇲🙏❤️

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A couple years ago, I found rabbit hole videos which "showed" the whole Ashleigh Babbit" incident was a staged false flag using "crisis actors". We now know for a FACT that the so-called "Boston Marathon Bombing" was a staged false flag using crisis actors. A company called Craft International, founded by "American Sniper" Kris Kyle, supplied the Boston crisis actors. Although I could be wrong, my money is on Babbit also being staged. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm just sayin, not tryin 2 start an argument!

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It’s time you understand that Trump is also a false flag event

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You are correct that Ashli Babbit and Rosanne Boyland were murdered on Jan. 6. There were two more murders. Kevin Greeson was hit or near a flash grenade thrown into the peaceful protestors by Capital police. He died of a heart attack while on the phone with his wife. Benjamin Philips, was also hit or near a flash grenade thrown into the crowd and died of a stroke.

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Babbitt was advancing halfway through a broken window when she was shot.

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Small lady un-armed.

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That is not the point. Initial stories about Babbitt's death were, you know, lies. There was no excuse for her trying to climb through that broken window. She was a moron and died for it.

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SERIOUSLY? A police officer is trained to use APPROPRIATE FORCE for a situation. The idiot that shot her once left his LOADED service weapon in a men's room! He lied in an interview about what happened. He said that there were "reports of shots fired through the House main door onto the floor of the chamber."

A Judicial Watch review of 500 internal documents from the Capitol Police showed that there was "no good reason" to shoot Babbitt. The REAL kick was he was just promoted!

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There were many idiots that day.

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Like the 200 or so FBI "disguised" in the crowd?

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Eight years of constant programming will take some time to deprogram. Loved the Fauci/ Jim Jones meme.

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The vast majority of the deranged are deranged forever.

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Yes. Exactly right or should I say left . I stopped watching Robert Reich’s posts not because he had to stand on a shoebox to give his lectures but because of his bizarre twisted TDS . Just about every lecture he exhibits this. This little man needs to work out his Mr Hyde personality on a short psychiatric couch with a compassionate Republican psychiatrist.

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My favorite gif for Reich is Will Ferrell's "He's an angry elf!"

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people like him are paid shills though

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You must have had a lot of fun writing this.


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I have a lot of fun writing everything ;)

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This is excellent. I was, and remain, indifferent to DJT. I see that he has many pros and many cons. What is remarkable to me is how much the western Establishment, chattering classes and bien-pensants HATE the guy to the core of their being. Its beyond irrational. I suspect its because his sometimes vulgarity offends them, and I have some feeling there is some kind of Freudian projection thing going on too. What IS clear, is that media class misrepresent him as a matter of duty, it appears. I started noticing this about 2018. To that point, I just accepted the media reports about him, that he was all kinds of bad. Then, by happenstance, several times I saw news video about something he did that had been reported on, and then seeing the actual video and hearing his words with my own ears, I realized there was a large disconnect between what was reported and what he actually said or did. I would look at what he said and think, ok maybe a little questionable, but its not THAT bad. I then made an effort to check every news report to see what I thought about what he did, and then realized it was a game, 9 out of 10 times, the media actively distorted what had happened. It was consistent. It was at that point I lost all faith in the US and Canadian MSM, it was clear they were activist frauds.

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I agree with all of this. I find Trump a bit off-putting, yet the economy was doing well due to his policies, and he didn't start any wars. My only real complaint about him is that he won't acknowledge any vaccine deaths.

But the people who hate him with a frothing passion, I do not understand. I think a lot of them are conditioned to fight some stereotype and he seems to fit that stereotype if they don't actually listen to any of his speeches. Also, I think a lot of women deeply resent his having an objectively beautiful wife.

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Great comments. It is perfectly possible to not like Trump and also realize the bias against him.

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Like ? It’s not a matter of liking him it’s a matter what this obvious globalist puppet has done to irreparably damage the world as idiots wold wide praised him

His savior status is the grand delusion

Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations

-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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These facts are hard for 4Ever Trumpers. For some reason they also think inflation is due to Biden only. Sad state we are in.

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Cultist idiots … they think they are better than the left when they are as deluded if not more deluded by their golden mouthy calf

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But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August

21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be going etting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” —Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there,everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, and you’ve probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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Maybe, just maybe, he will develop some humility and actually look at the statistics and see the harms being done from this gene altering medical treatment. That would go a long way in getting my trust back. In the meantime, I would settle for Congress to haul all the perps up on charges similar to those levied at Nuremberg.

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Nuremberg was a complete joke though as the perpetrators were happily moved to USA top positions , NATO , Nasa , yet the delusion of “justice” prevails

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It is exactly those comments which make me distrust Trump.

He's still better than Biden by a million miles though. Biden did even worse things, like jabbing the entire military.

I've added those quotes here:


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Meaningless “copy and paste.” During the period of 2020-2021 most non physician politicians were saying what Trump was saying. Many physicians like myself (and Dr/Senator Rand) were highly skeptical of genetically engineered “vaccines”. Thankfully, being fully retired from medical practice, which included hospital care, no one could mandate I get the vaccine. Trump did not have that luxury as he was being told by government physicians, such as Fauci, Collins and Birx that the vaccine was highly effective with few short or long-term side effects. I was fully engaged and academic medicine when Fauci was in charge of the HIV crisis in the 80s. Not until much later did medicine realize you can’t get AIDS, except by fluid to fluid transfer. Just as with Covid people wore masks and we gowned up when we visited a patient in their rooms. Truth101 , when you go after President Trump try to not sound so stupid, OK? Do your homework or STFU.

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Educate yourself dummy :

Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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You literally can’t control yourself with list after list of “copy/paste”, can you? Do you think that perhaps your “handle” of Truth101 is a bit grandiose? “Grandiosity” is not exactly a trait you want others to attach to your approach to life. Don’t let your obsession with DJT get you down. November will cure you. MAGA!!

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You must be one of those deranged useful idiots no different that the morons who follow Biden

Btw dimwit - Maga is a 5 th degree term used in church of satan hierarchy - 🤡🤡


Dumb 🐑

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You are not retired but retarded possibly demented and certainly willfully stupid ! Take your advice and stfu !

Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations

-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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That TDS keeps you up 24 hours a day gives we MAGA voters greater pleasure. Copy/paste/copy/paste….are you finding time to eat? Or overdosing on donuts? Trump is happy for people like you for the contrast with MAGA voters is so stark. You are, inadvertently for sure, a campaign poster for Trump’s reelection! Thanks!!!!

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You are a garden variety Cultist idiot, as are Biden worshippers

I wonder how many patients’ lives you destroyed with your overblown , superficial arrogant ego coupled with regressed mental capacity

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And I can give you a specific example of the media bias against Trump – in about the last year of his Presidency, he held a news conference (out of doors if I recall). I watched the video. He was asked a question from a female reporter, that was, objectively, tinged with some hostility. You could see it in the reporter's body language and tone of voice. In colloquial language, she was in a bitchy mood. So, Trump took the question, but pushed back a bit. At which point, a female buddy reporter came to her aid, and also in a bitchy tone, asked again or asked a related question. Again, Trump pushed back, he was calm and polite but direct. This went on for a couple of minutes, the tone from the tag-team female reporter duo remaining hostile. At some point, you could see Trump had had enough, and quietly and calmly, turned around and walked off stage, ending the press conference. He was remarkably patient in light of the hostility. I am not sure I would have been so patient. It was then reported by all MSM (except for one) that he had 'stormed' offstage and his behavior was misogynistic. Stormed-off implies red-faces and angry movements, none of which happened. The only news report I saw that mostly accurately described the scene was Reuters, I think. Every other report was designed to make the reader think that Trump was a sexist monster not in charge of his emotions. The MSM proved in that one instance it was a fraud.

Addendum: A reasonably objective description of what happened would be "After several minutes of hostile questioning by two female reporters, Trump appeared to get annoyed, and abruptly ended the news conference by walking off stage." Which was not the way it was framed, because most of the MSM wants normies to think negatively of Trump. And it works, because if you are not really paying close attention, the negative view of Trump gets normalized and people just end up believing it. Especially if you are predisposed to not like him anyway. I imagine that under similar circumstances in a hostile press conference, many politicians would do the same thing.

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One of hundreds of hysteria examples.

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Indeed. In 2018 I researched about ten examples of print media reports and compared them against what I could see with my own eyes with video reports, and the bias was obvious and extreme. The MSM framed 9/10 reports in the most prejudicial and negative way possible. The truth was evidently irrelevant. The example I cite above is the one I remember vividly, but they were all like that.

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I strongly dislike and don’t trust Donald Trump but I STILL voted for him in 2020 after not voting in 2016, simply because he kept his word on a few things.

This shows how much I dislike and distrust the other side.

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Fair enough. Its perfectly possibly to not like the guy, and also believe he is the better choice. You may or may not know this, but the word 'Bullshit" has a technical meaning. It is similar to lying, but different - Lying is speaking, beware aware of a truth, and deliberately concealing it. Bullshitting is speaking with no regard for the truth, only to persuade. Trump is a classic bullshitter. He is stereotypical brash, in-your-face, big-talking New Yorker. Many people don't like that style. But they are also able to see cases where his style and skills might be useful in certain positions.

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Yep. And I don't.

But, I think, under several layers of bullshit and ego, he's not a traitor or a Bolshevik.

I want more moral choices, under 70 years old. And I'm 60 now!

I loved the GIF of Trump and Hillary both seizing and shaking when they ran against each other. This is the 2 best we could get? LOL.

But then Trump came through on the Supreme Court appointment and got a little control of whose coming into the country, so I warmed up a little.

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I appreciate your comments. I am not an American and have no skin in the game, but I observe there is a growing body of people who think like you.

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I remember in 2016 after Trump won the election, before TDS was considered a thing, the media having a shit fit because on the night of the election Trump wanted to have dinner in peace with his family and didn’t want to take questions from the media. I recall them making a very big deal out of this and portraying this as part of his “authoritarian” nature.

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Yes, that is what they do, take some comment or behavior and interpret it such a way as to make him look bad. If you are not paying attention (and I wasn't before 2018) its easy to simply believe the media portrayal - I totally did, and just assumed he was terrible as we/I was literally swimming in a soup of negative news about the guy. I just never questioned it. Until (as I have described) I accidentally and randomly came across some glaring examples of inconsistency in the way he was reported in media and then what I could see with my eyes (on the same news item), when I paid attention. Then, once you look more closely, its totally obvious.

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Awesome analysis, Yuri! I drove past Mar A Lago Saturday morning and towards the opposite end of the drawbridge over the intercoastal was an aging hippie-type bicyclist from central casting extending his middle finger high in the direction of the estate. He remained frozen in this pose of impotence for at least several minutes... a gesture as futile as the prospect for treatment of those affected. TDS is real, and in most cases terminal.

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Great article! Some of these memes, just wow. Hit hard and made me literally laugh out loud, throwing my head back.

Just checked, nope, didn't spill my coffee while laughing. Whew! That was close! :)

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Perhaps I should add warnings at the beginning of posts that I have caused many coffee stains ;)

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⚠️ Warning: Subvert Subversion while consuming coffee at your own risk. ⚠️

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Trumps's biggest crime? He is willing to state facts publicly and not back down when the Regime demands that he retract his statements of fact. It is a simple tactic that undermines their entire propaganda machine. In that sense, his natural demeanor is the antidote to the last 60+ years of programming, most of which we only know a small portion at this stage. I have a feeling as this thing continues to unravel, and more documents are leaked, we are going to find that almost everything the Regime has ever said has been a lie.

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His biggest crime is Warp Speed.

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Yuri, this is your best post. Humor is the best medicine. Kudos for the soft close, explaining to the recovering TDS patients that it is OK to change their minds and embrace the real world.

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Of course there are good reasons to loathe Not Orange Jesus as much as Biden and to dread another administration full of all the not the best people.

This was happening under Trump:


And if they were doing this behind Trump's back that's hardly comforting. We are the one we need, all of us from the ground up. Our choices this cycle are worse, worser, worstest and worse to the infinite power.

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I agree, but...Trump is the one person who has called out the swamp for what it is. As far as I know, no one used the term before he did. He is indeed a RINO, republican in name only. That term is usually employed to describe titular republicans who are really democrats. For Trump, it means his not a republican, but he sure as HELL is not a democrat. What he is, is his own man.

That is why he is despised by the political elite. That is why I fully support him. Right now, there is no other choice. Every other choice is just more of the same old crap that got us into this mess in the first place.

Do I fear that Trump is the next Hitler? That he is destroying democracy? That he ever plotted to overthrow the federal government by violent or illegal means? Hell, NO! There's an old saying that we should all remember: Consider your sources. Our sources for TDS are the likes of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden et al. Their bigoted hate speech doesn't make me doubt Trump; it has driven me TO him.

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No... Trump answers to the same Ones as the actor in a Biden mask. It's all a play/circus.

And He APPOINTED the swamp after the campaign promises to drain it.

The "political elite" (the useless ELiters) do not fear one of Their own. They applaud His performance when not in front of "the cattle."

And if You support a for-profit corporation ruling over You - I don't know what to say. The "government" became such a corporation in 1871.

My choice is to co-create vastly better than a corporation owned and run by psychopaths ruling over the People and being "father of the vaccine" and all, "Operation Warp Speed" &tc.

“Someday Real Soon Now SomeOne Will Fix It for Me!” (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/someday-real-soon-now-someone-will

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Exactly solar

Also - Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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An excellent breakdown of the evidence the whole lot of Them are in the show together, no matter how "renegade" They paint a character.

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Renegade - he wasn’t all that renegade —

Clinton’s cousin , Royal Scottish /British bloodline

Only a fool could believe all this garbage about him being an outsider

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Restacked and saved. Look for the second Trump administration (if it comes about) to be even more treasonous.

(Disclaimer: the Biden administration is even more malignant and depraved.)

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Ofcourse trump the savior take two for idiot sheep will be restaged

Puppet theater for mentally ill

If anyone still thinks there’s democracy or voting or some two party system 🤡they might as well take the safe and effective Covid jab

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THings I Love about QueMala Blewsome aka Queen Cackle


Things I hate - I know her type

1-The Border Czar has allowed 15,000,000 unvetted illegals into our country

2- She accepted to be VP in an administration which boldly stole the Nov 2020 election

3- She is willing to ban fossil fuels , coal and LPG after the election

4- She is in Ukraine provoking a nucler WW3

5- She clalms abortions are restricted even though Mifepristone is widely available;

6- She mandated the poisonous deadly unnecessary clot shots, Rona Jabs, fauci ouchys.

For the reasons identified hereinabove this heterosexual Afro-Puerto Rican male supports


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I'll cut some slack to any president, to the extent that no president is all powerful. They don't make any law (at least, they're not supposed to), they can't spend any money not authorized by Congress (at least they're not supposed to), and they have to ride herd over bureaucrats who have little to fear if they countermand the president's instructions.

As for COVID, Trump did his best to act based on advisors such as Fauci. You may recall that he supported Fauci, and Fauci supported Trump. We all anxiously anticipated the vaccine which became available just as Trump was leaving office. I don't recall anyone saying he was mistaken in doing that, at the time. Did you? It is revisionist history, replete with TDSism, to point out how wrong Trump was, when he was taking his lead form Fauci and the CDC. I remember, but perhaps you have forgotten, that Trump was denounced for the mere mention of HCQ as a possible treatment for COVID; and for suggesting that COVID was lab-produced, and not derived from a wet market. He was derided by people like you for offering a hospital ship the NYC which we now know that Cuomo should have used. It would have saved hundreds of lives. And, no, he never said anyone should drink Lysol. That lie just demonstrates who deranged TDSers really are.

I'm a pragmatist, as is Trump. You, apparently, are one of the party loyalists who think party loyalty should trump practical reality. Near as I can tell, progressives feel absolutely threatened whenever anyone suggests looking at the issues directly, rather than through warped political lenses. Really, have you ever seen EITHER party reasonably and rationally approach ANYTHING?

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Given I know the whole of virology and vaccination is based on the twin towers of Rockefeller lies, "viruses" and "contagion," *I* was saying They ALL were wrong...

And yeah, They had Him bring up other "solutions" to the unicorn, to put a spin on His performance that would reach the Ones wanting something other than a jab of toxins for the unicorn.

The "virus" (and ALL viruses) infect the mind with fear as ideations ONLY.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

And, You are VERY wrong to call Me loyal to ANY party. I am an anarchist, aiming for a society of Ethical sovereigns. And I can see the whole play - LITERALLY a play. With the characters on both wings controlled by the dirty bird to keep U pointing at the other wing with blame, rather than the bird itself.

As long as We consent to being ruled by a for-profit corporation, We will be nothing to Them but servants, slaves, sex toys and sacrifices.

The Society Of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES) Justice Way (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-society-of-ethical-sovereigns

Abundance -> Cooperation; Scarcity -> Competition (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/abundance-cooperation-scarcity-competition

I Do Not Consent! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-do-not-consent

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I stand corrected. We seem to see things very much the same.

Still, I think Trump is largely on the side of reduced Big Brotherism. Consider if you were president. What could you hope to accomplish, merely by pronouncing your ideology? It takes a politician (unfortunately) to outflank the political parties. Trump is doing it as well as it has ever been done.

Yes, we can fantasize about We the People rising up en masse as in the French revolution, but without the rampant violence; but just right now, they ain;t happening. Trump is the best we've got. And it's not merely by a matter of degrees. He is vastly different from almost anybody else running for any office, in either party. He wins, or we lose.

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I would never be "president." The owners of the corporation, USA Inc., would never appoint Me. And yes, Trump's character in the play/circus is "different." They want Us to think He's "the answer," the "Savior."

And "the best We got?" The lesser of two evils? I don't consent to that whole psychopathic legal/governmental mess. I stand sovereign on Ethical ground, and when enough of Us are, They will have no power.

The best We have is a society of Ethical sovereigns - when We stand up for it.

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Lol trump is a DS rat as the rest of the government selected parasites who get paraded for lemmings every 4 years by elitists globalist corporate overlords

Go vote 🤪 why dont you , u still have your wits in a blender

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During the Covid1984 plandemic, so-called "anti-vaxxers" were deliberately demonized by leftist media....

Despite the numerous lies from the MSM about Trump, they have NOT even tried to label him as an "anti-vaxxxer"....you do the math....

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The media is "leftist" because that serves the owners in Their efforts to steer Us. The same Ones who own the for-profit corporations masquerading as "Our governments" own the media. And the schools, publishing, research facilities, food production, water plants, public transportation, militaries, agencies, and the lot.

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Gee, thnx, i dint know that....

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You don’t seem to know much

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Math ?

Trumps own mouth reeks of globalist agenda !

Grow some sense

But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August

21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be going etting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” —Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there,everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, and you’ve probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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Fine. Trump said what every other talking headalso said. Now, show me EVEN ONE example of ANYBODY calling Trump an "anti-vaxxxer". Given the massive media hate campaign of anti-Trump HATE & LIES, why did they NOT tar him with that brush? He's controlled opposition. And, your TDS only shows that the globalist puppet masters are pulling your strings, too. The PSY OP is so vast, you can't even see it....

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Trump has always been a NY Democrat through and through and his whoring after the evangelical vote doesn't change that. He's a businessman and believes only in himself and as we have already seen once, he hires the worst of the swamp.

We all ought, of course, to think for ourselves. In everything.

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I have a very sensitive BS meter. Yes, Trump can BS with the best of them. But when you go past the BS, there's a real, intelligent, accomplished man there. When you go past the BS of Biden, there is nothing there. He is made of 100% BS. In other words, BS is something that Trump can do, but BS is what Biden IS.

Noticed that Trump is quite accomplished outside of politics. In fact, his primary accomplishments are outside of politics. On the other hand, Clinton, Biden, Harris, AOC, Pelosi, etc have accomplished NOTHING outside of politics. Their entire 'professional' existence relies on using taxpayer money and usurped power to gain their 'success'.

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Trump is a profoundly damaged and weak man who never got over being the insecure rich kid from Queens. He is a great showman and ought to have stuck with what he did best, because when he finally made it to the White House he hired all the very worst people.

But of course it is true that the very worst people generally go into politics.

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The orange - He is a great puppet of WEF an unapologetic self centered narcissist - exactly what they needed to have the sheep follow the piper off the cliff

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I disagree. He, like many potentially great men throughout all of history, undid himself by a failure to self-master.

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Oh Radical. Biden might be an empty suit...but he always keeps a full diaper under it!..;)

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Name his accomplishments why don’t you ?

I can which is more than what you have “provided”

-Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations

-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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I get what you’re saying here, but would argue that he’s a NY Republican through and through. These types are self-interested businessmen, primarily concerned with nit-picking negotiations to work in their favor, dodging taxes, and skirting regulations. They’re liberal or indifferent on social issues, and will adopt any position on social/cultural issues they think is expedient when it comes to maximizing their personal wealth. Just offering this based on my experience with NY Republicans over the years.

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He's never been a Republican, and still isn't one. He is politically whoring.

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You radical “individualist” actually fell for everything the globalist want you to fall for!

That is Flashy hot air mouthy bullshit

Zbigniew Brzezinski (Morning Joe’s father-in-law

Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era (written 50 years ago)

“We have a large public that is very ignorant about public affairs and very susceptible to simplistic slogans by candidates who appear out of nowhere, have no track record, but mouth appealing slogans”

(“Drain the Swamp” “Make America Great Again” - ??? Tripe like this Ring a bell ? )

"People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations."

"Shortly, the public will mbe unable to reason or think for themselves. They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous night's news."

Biden trump same exact shit for lemmings and sheep

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His own man!? Are you a shill?

Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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You're totally insane! Enjoy your racoon and meth tonight.

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....and i hope YOU enjoy your Bud Light & soy veggie burgers....

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Indeed, He's part of the play/circus.

We would best co-create something vastly better than having a for-profit corporation ruling Us. I don't consent to that and I think it would be in the best interest of Others if They, too, stopped consenting to the mess.

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The most important elections are micro-local because every elected office, no matter how minor, affects one's community and is a feeder for higher office and contributes to the stranglehold of the two major parties. Taxation power, zoning power, education power. That's where everything begins.

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On point and timely. My small community is going through that by board candidate promoting a “name change”. It starts with virtue signaling and it gets worse.

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People who run for elected office want to control others, even if for only "the best motives." That's why coalitions of people who may not share many views in common but are strong supporters of liberty (or at least some degree of liberty and can be counterbalanced by others who believe in other degrees of liberty) are the only way to break loyalty to parties.

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I am not clear why (beyond indoctrination) People relinquish Their sovereignty to Others in the first place. I would vastly prefer a society of Ethical sovereigns where only the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do) are "punishable."

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

What Would It Look Like if We All Chose Ethical Behavior? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-would-it-look-like-if-we-all

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Everything in life is the struggle for power and resources. This is inherent to our natures. That's why we build societies with laws that try to tame the worst of human behavior but it's a neverending project.

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Not so. All that is artificial. In fact, there is plenty for All at this point (excluding the psychopaths in control's efforts to take down society). If One studies the societies that emerged in abundance, though cultures and beliefs varied, none developed money, the caring Ones took care of things, the psychopaths (1% across the board express the gene) learned to choose Their behavior Ethically or be outcast (or killed), and the People were joyful, helpful, playful, creative, and caring.

Mostly these societies were on islands - "island paradises."

Abundancism (10 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/abundancism:8?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Abundancism – It’s Not Working for a Living; It’s Loving the Work You’re Living (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/abundancism-its-not-working-for-a

The Simplicity of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-simplicity-of-ethics

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Those island paradises were not so paradisical.

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And This was happening under Trump

Pfizer gave Trump a campaign donation of $1M. While he lied about NOT taking donations

-Wilbur Ross, a Rothschilds operative - and the guy who bailed Trump out of his Casino endeavors debts in Atlantic City in the 90s made secretary of Commerce by Trump. Considering he was bailed out in the 90's by a Rothchild operative, and Trumps kids go to the Bilderberg and WEF !! Ivanka carries a title of a young global leader! Some outsider !

-Trump gave $1.16B to Bill Gates' organization GAVI, making him the world's largest private donor of the WHO. Trump  also funded CHAI - Clinton foundation initiative.

- Trump tried to hire Bill Gates as a Science advisor

-Trump signed the PREPS Act which gave indefinite liability immunity to all the BigPharma companies.

- Trump was behind orchestrating the push for the dangerous, failed drug Remdesivir as the only recommended treatment for hospitalized patients

-Trump signed the CARES Act which gave governors the unprecedented ability to shut down their individual State economies indefinitely and at will, but more importantly his National Emergency declaration in conjunction with the CARES Act gives FEMA and the CDC federal executive authority over the federal government.

-The combination of the CMS override and the CARES Act incentives enabled and coerced hospitals to make a COVID-19 diagnosis and follow a (lethal) federally mandated COVID-19 protocol or else be forced to pay back the funding. As a result, hospitals from coast to coast received payments such as: 

• A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with a government-paid fee to the hospital.

• Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

• Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

• A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of Remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

• Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

• More money to the hospital if the cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if the patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

• A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

-Trump called for Red Flag Gun laws during his administration and said "take the guns now then have due process later" and over 100 Republican representatives voted for a Red Flag law in the House and it passed.Trump banned bump stocks.

-Trump renewed the NDAA, which is the sole reason his own supporters are currently being held for Jan 6th.

-Trump hired Alex Azar a former BigPharma executive as his Secretary of Health.

No one brings up the fact of Sept 19' EO that militarized vaxx production in the US before anyone had even heard the word covid. I wonder why no-one brings that up ever! Also, Azar is only 1 of the big pharma rats appointed by Trump that had lead roles in this. Hanh and Gottlieb also played roles. 2 of those 3 went back to big pharma after covid kicked off.

- CDC changed COVID reports under political pressure from Trump administration, panel finds - Jeannie Baumann, Bloomberg News, Oct 17, 2022


-The Medical Elite, Scott Gottlieb, & the Censorship Regime in America, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Z__SFBGJA

-Centers for Disease Control ‘bowed to the Trump administration’s demands to change the editorial process’ of its weekly scientific journal after warnings from then health secretary Alex Azar to “get in line,” a House investigation found.

-The pressure faced by the CDC to change the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report’s procedures ‘was one of several instances of political interference by former President Donald Trump’s aides’ that the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis identified in a report . ⎯ Bloomberg Law

-Trump gave over $12B in "covid vaccine relief not only in the US but to countries around the world - he signed Operation Warpspeed and used Americans' taxes to fund the genocide injection program internationally and domestically.

-Trump allowed the FED to print more money than any administration in recent history - 90% of the paper money currently in circulation was printed in 2019 during the last half of his presidency.

-Trump and the RNC raised a combined total of $250 Million with the whole Stop The Steal Campaign and set up their own supporters to get into trouble with the Federal Govt on January 6th, the ones dumb enough to go there and show up for him when it was clear, it was over and Pence could really do nothing but certify the votes.

-Trump was instrumental in joining Bayer and Monsanto creating a conglomerate of corruption while destroying GMO over site and threatening third world countries like Thailand with economic ruin if they do not go along with GMO distribution

-Trump pardoned an Israeli Spy, his handler, a bunch of his Big Banking, Big Pharma buddies and Lil Wayne instead of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden

-Trump promised to lower national crime and it was higher during his presidency than any administration in recent history,the Marxists took to the streets in entire country and nothing was done about it - just pathetic hourly tweeting

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Funny, almost everything on this list should please those with TDS.

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As always, great article. I have tried to speak to a few of these people, but the emotional responses are so out of control, I hesitate. Before I bring anything up, I have the facts, the receipts, and even the msm pivots. It doesn't seem to matter. They don't care. They aren't actually looking for the truth. If I point out that so-and-so has been disproven, I've had people cry angry tears at me and just outright refuse to engage with the truth. I don't understand those people. It's hard for me to comprehend why they seem to WANT to hate him so much, as if their very life depends on it. No one should have that kind of control over a person, neither positively or negatively.

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You can really see the TDS on articles that allow comments such as Yahoo, Microsoft news, X formerly Twitter. People will say inflation is down, best unemployment rates ever, and stock market reaching all time highs under Biden. They will vote for anything besides the racist orange man. You can use the migrant invasion crisis or even overdoses from Fentanyl as talking points but nothing will penetrate the minds of these Democrats. It's truly a cult that must be hard to leave. The MSM and Hollywood are controlled by the Democrats and it's the theory that a lie repeated over and over again will become truth. Sometimes I will share this video regarding the Democrat Party being the most racist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_a7dQXilCo&t=3s thinking what can it hurt.

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