Loved this. As a mother my first instinct is always to protect my children. It does not matter how old they are, they are my kids…forever. I understand why people went insane during this propaganda campaign, it was/is relentless but at some point doesn’t critical thinking come into play? I’m trying to make sense of this lack of skepticism, to ignore history, to blame your neighbours, friends and trust authority. Who gave these monster “authority”? They are just humans like you and I. Remain vigilant and ungovernable for your children, show them how it’s done, slavery is to be avoided at ALL COSTS.
Having kids is the ultimate red pill because it awakens mama bears to the demonic forces attacking their children. Thursday's post will go deeper into this and other ways to reason with demoralized people.
Having children brings out one's true nature, for good or ill.
Nothing has shocked me more during our Plague Era than the abandonment of their children by the educated elite.
But there are many ways to fail one's kids and that's found across all classes and every demographic. One discovers oneself to be better than one thought, or to be worse. Cults of every persuasion often abandon their children's best welfare to the diktats of their particular faith leader, faith-based or secular.
We're also cut out, so I know how you feel. If you don't pat them on the back and have a parade for everything they do (while swallowing your own feelings, values and self-respect), they'll shun you. "Adults" don't know how to disagree anymore.
Too bad about your granddaughter... I feel for the kids who are being (literally) forced into this.
I said almost the same thing to hubs. What happened to understanding that we obviously won't agree with a lot of our parents opinions. I still don't. But I certainly would never write them off. I would talk to them. Let them know how I feel and then we would agree to disagree and not discuss if it's too hot a subject..
We walked on eggshells around our daughter as it was, and never discussed things in front of her and the grandie that we knew would send her into a tizzy. But she had a bad day and rather than take it out on the person who deserved it, as usual, she took it out on us.
She went to Twitter.knowing damn well she would find something there to pick a fight about. And she did.
It's out of my hands. She will grow up one day. Or not. 🤷♀️
As much as I miss them, I do not miss her tantrums and bullheadedness.
She was never like this until she got out on her own and started getting brainwashed. We didn't raise her this way. She changed, not us.
Sorry to hear about these stories. I know a girl who is just like your daughter. She told me that she refused to see her parents until they got the jab. Typical FUPAZ liberal who lives a miserable life. Sadly she is too demoralized to understand that she's not the good person she thinks she is.
While I enjoyed this, I'm entrenched as a pessimist. Erich Fromme wrote in "Escape From Freedom", “The frightened individual seeks for somebody or something to tie his self to; he cannot bear to be his own individual self any longer, and he tries frantically to get rid of it and to feel security again by the elimination of this burden: the self.”
This describes most people.
If the "majority" becomes suspicious of the jab, these people will jump sides and join the majority - and only then. The problem is, the "majority" is an engineered illusion. This is why political polls are so powerful - if media claims that A is winning, these NPCs will vote for A. They just want to be associated with the winning side. Sadly, they ARE this simple and amoral.
For this reason, I don't try and win anyone over anymore. I simply don't want those of so little character on my team. They are temperamental, disloyal and a liability to any cause.
I'll take my small team of critical thinkers any day. To hell with the rest.
As more young, healthy and fit athletes drop dead on live TV the poison jabs will be impossible to ignore or defend. When thousands of parents are burying their children this whole scamdemic will be exposed for what it was. A world-wide, criminal psyop. When parents start realizing they’ve been duped and their children have been permanently harmed the repercussions will not be pretty. Get ready. 2023 is going to be an interesting year.
The parents will not be angry, for they will already be dead. Understand how hard and fast and total the Geert variant will be. And 5B+ people are busy working on it, having given themselves up to a non-sterilizing fake “vaccine”.
What we have so far is anecdotes, other than the excess deaths data which is suggestive but correlation does not equal causality. What we need is hard studies about the side effects. I hope that Jay Bhattacharya will be able to do this. He was one of the first in the scientific community to be right and he has all the right enemies.
I am well aware how hard it is. Have tried and failed many times. My point is that if we give up, then we're all screwed. 2023 is the best window yet because the vaccines are failing, the economy is sputtering, and the regime is flailing. Spaceship man will continue to expose lies and drop memes. The wild card is orange man - the more noise he makes, the harder it is for the demoralized to think clearly.
I hold almost no hope for this group because they have had plenty of time and evidence they have refused to see. I have almost no hope for this country because we have let it go too far along the path of destruction and the side that is supposed to be for the people and save us is a large part of the problem. As for Orange Man, he needs to shut up. I am turning away from him because of what comes out of his mouth and not what his many critics are saying about him. Also, I want him to admit that Operation Warp Speed was a horrible idea and is responsible for a huge number of deaths. I know his ego won’t let him admit the mistake. I have realized that the destruction of this country from within has been a long time in the making.
Can’t wait to read more! Since they were led astray through emotion, I’m not optimistic that they can be led back out with facts, and I haven’t come up with an appeal to emotion that seems likely to work. But I’m no Yuri!
I'd love to see my in-laws change their mind a bit. They still wont let people inside of their home if they're not vaccinated. They line up for each booster and happily get jabbed. They live in VT, so that gives some perspective, but sheesh - you'd think by now they might be a little more open minded. I honestly don't see them EVER changing, but it sure would be nice. My son will never really know his aunt and uncle because I refuse to let him be vaccinated. Their loss, not his.
This past Christmas. They had their annual family party. My husband called and said "you realize we're not all vaccinated, right" and the reply was "oh sorry to hear that. I guess we'll have to get together with you some other time in the future. Only vaccinated people in our home!" (said with a sing-songy voice). I told my husband I'm done. I don't care if I never see them again.
Unfortunately some people are too demoralized to be reasoned with. If they are still discriminating against the unjabbed, they are not worth your time anymore. Family is tougher, but you will make new friends that are far better than family like that.
For me, I do it for the Deplorables and Bitter Clingers. The people who the ruling regime turned their backs on and scorn, mock, ridicule and who seem bent on destroying. These are the people who wanted a simple middle class life of hard work and being left alone. They are guilty of being born white. The decades of The Left's failed programs aren't the fault of the Left, it is the fault of the people who paid for them against their will - who turned out to be right to vote agains them.
So now, replace them. Destroy them. I do it for them - some of them are in my family. The other reason I do it
How do we help the ones who have been forsaken? The ones who are sinking out of the middle class. Whose votes are nullified by the city dwelling FUPAZ-ites? The ones whose kids are going to schools reduced to day care centers that don't teach anything other than anti-white, anti-American, anti-Western garbage? I am in flyoverland now learning about the disaster my 14, 9, 9 and 5 year old nieces and nephews face. I think your idea you proposed to me a while back was a great one. Let's get in touch and see if we can pilot it for my family.
As for the Karens, NPC's and demoralized, they are harder to help and far less deserving of it.
Refused a booster? Pray you did not take the “primary course” of jabs.
The jabbed are like the American Indians were with smallpox, their immune systems all identically primed, sitting ducks for Geert’s inevitable nightmare variant.
Love this, Yuri! We the people can create a coordinated effort /huge project plan to make miracles and get everyone involved to bring them into belief again, in humanity, as most people are just resigned and cannot see that it's possible right now...some of us have known ourselves and real love to protect us from this a little better...therefore, by the Grace and Mercy of God, we can do this together! Yay, Team!
I remember when my white friends were sharing articles saying that it was racist to want your kids back in school. Here we are after 3 school years of interrupted in-person learning and my child is still struggling to catch up. If there was anything positive in all of this, he had less exposure to the bad apples that public schools refuse to fire.
I ain't nohow deliberately set out to give you a bad time in my recent comments--but I can't not feel that your internal bullshit meter requires a little bit of further calibrating as you mature in your craft.
Loved this. As a mother my first instinct is always to protect my children. It does not matter how old they are, they are my kids…forever. I understand why people went insane during this propaganda campaign, it was/is relentless but at some point doesn’t critical thinking come into play? I’m trying to make sense of this lack of skepticism, to ignore history, to blame your neighbours, friends and trust authority. Who gave these monster “authority”? They are just humans like you and I. Remain vigilant and ungovernable for your children, show them how it’s done, slavery is to be avoided at ALL COSTS.
Having kids is the ultimate red pill because it awakens mama bears to the demonic forces attacking their children. Thursday's post will go deeper into this and other ways to reason with demoralized people.
Having children brings out one's true nature, for good or ill.
Nothing has shocked me more during our Plague Era than the abandonment of their children by the educated elite.
But there are many ways to fail one's kids and that's found across all classes and every demographic. One discovers oneself to be better than one thought, or to be worse. Cults of every persuasion often abandon their children's best welfare to the diktats of their particular faith leader, faith-based or secular.
Cant wait.
Until you see your adult children taking the other side. That's heartbreaking.
My 36 yr old daughter is at least 4x jabbed and has started jabbing my 12 yr old grand daughter.
She has now excommunicated me from them both for my husband's and my Twitter posts. Over.....
Get this:
Pronouns. I'm gutted. 😭
We're also cut out, so I know how you feel. If you don't pat them on the back and have a parade for everything they do (while swallowing your own feelings, values and self-respect), they'll shun you. "Adults" don't know how to disagree anymore.
Too bad about your granddaughter... I feel for the kids who are being (literally) forced into this.
I said almost the same thing to hubs. What happened to understanding that we obviously won't agree with a lot of our parents opinions. I still don't. But I certainly would never write them off. I would talk to them. Let them know how I feel and then we would agree to disagree and not discuss if it's too hot a subject..
We walked on eggshells around our daughter as it was, and never discussed things in front of her and the grandie that we knew would send her into a tizzy. But she had a bad day and rather than take it out on the person who deserved it, as usual, she took it out on us.
She went to Twitter.knowing damn well she would find something there to pick a fight about. And she did.
It's out of my hands. She will grow up one day. Or not. 🤷♀️
As much as I miss them, I do not miss her tantrums and bullheadedness.
She was never like this until she got out on her own and started getting brainwashed. We didn't raise her this way. She changed, not us.
Sorry to hear about these stories. I know a girl who is just like your daughter. She told me that she refused to see her parents until they got the jab. Typical FUPAZ liberal who lives a miserable life. Sadly she is too demoralized to understand that she's not the good person she thinks she is.
I honestly believe the jab is changing their brains. The way they think.
It's almost like it's turning them evil.
And for these many reasons, we thank you for what you do!
While I enjoyed this, I'm entrenched as a pessimist. Erich Fromme wrote in "Escape From Freedom", “The frightened individual seeks for somebody or something to tie his self to; he cannot bear to be his own individual self any longer, and he tries frantically to get rid of it and to feel security again by the elimination of this burden: the self.”
This describes most people.
If the "majority" becomes suspicious of the jab, these people will jump sides and join the majority - and only then. The problem is, the "majority" is an engineered illusion. This is why political polls are so powerful - if media claims that A is winning, these NPCs will vote for A. They just want to be associated with the winning side. Sadly, they ARE this simple and amoral.
For this reason, I don't try and win anyone over anymore. I simply don't want those of so little character on my team. They are temperamental, disloyal and a liability to any cause.
I'll take my small team of critical thinkers any day. To hell with the rest.
As more young, healthy and fit athletes drop dead on live TV the poison jabs will be impossible to ignore or defend. When thousands of parents are burying their children this whole scamdemic will be exposed for what it was. A world-wide, criminal psyop. When parents start realizing they’ve been duped and their children have been permanently harmed the repercussions will not be pretty. Get ready. 2023 is going to be an interesting year.
The parents will not be angry, for they will already be dead. Understand how hard and fast and total the Geert variant will be. And 5B+ people are busy working on it, having given themselves up to a non-sterilizing fake “vaccine”.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
What we have so far is anecdotes, other than the excess deaths data which is suggestive but correlation does not equal causality. What we need is hard studies about the side effects. I hope that Jay Bhattacharya will be able to do this. He was one of the first in the scientific community to be right and he has all the right enemies.
Good job Tovarisch! Believe it or not, this stack helps keep me from becoming completely black pilled.
I really enjoy your Substack but I think you are too optimistic about changing the minds of the 60%.
I am well aware how hard it is. Have tried and failed many times. My point is that if we give up, then we're all screwed. 2023 is the best window yet because the vaccines are failing, the economy is sputtering, and the regime is flailing. Spaceship man will continue to expose lies and drop memes. The wild card is orange man - the more noise he makes, the harder it is for the demoralized to think clearly.
I hold almost no hope for this group because they have had plenty of time and evidence they have refused to see. I have almost no hope for this country because we have let it go too far along the path of destruction and the side that is supposed to be for the people and save us is a large part of the problem. As for Orange Man, he needs to shut up. I am turning away from him because of what comes out of his mouth and not what his many critics are saying about him. Also, I want him to admit that Operation Warp Speed was a horrible idea and is responsible for a huge number of deaths. I know his ego won’t let him admit the mistake. I have realized that the destruction of this country from within has been a long time in the making.
Can’t wait to read more! Since they were led astray through emotion, I’m not optimistic that they can be led back out with facts, and I haven’t come up with an appeal to emotion that seems likely to work. But I’m no Yuri!
I'd love to see my in-laws change their mind a bit. They still wont let people inside of their home if they're not vaccinated. They line up for each booster and happily get jabbed. They live in VT, so that gives some perspective, but sheesh - you'd think by now they might be a little more open minded. I honestly don't see them EVER changing, but it sure would be nice. My son will never really know his aunt and uncle because I refuse to let him be vaccinated. Their loss, not his.
WOW! Almost unbelievable.
This past Christmas. They had their annual family party. My husband called and said "you realize we're not all vaccinated, right" and the reply was "oh sorry to hear that. I guess we'll have to get together with you some other time in the future. Only vaccinated people in our home!" (said with a sing-songy voice). I told my husband I'm done. I don't care if I never see them again.
They are the extremists. At least you know more about them from this.
Unfortunately some people are too demoralized to be reasoned with. If they are still discriminating against the unjabbed, they are not worth your time anymore. Family is tougher, but you will make new friends that are far better than family like that.
Excellent. Harden your heart. They chose their fate.
The good old days are, well, right now.
Dark and unimaginably difficult times ahead.
The mask has come off, so to speak.
Why even bother to change their minds?
They are already dead, all of them.
Nice Yuri!
For me, I do it for the Deplorables and Bitter Clingers. The people who the ruling regime turned their backs on and scorn, mock, ridicule and who seem bent on destroying. These are the people who wanted a simple middle class life of hard work and being left alone. They are guilty of being born white. The decades of The Left's failed programs aren't the fault of the Left, it is the fault of the people who paid for them against their will - who turned out to be right to vote agains them.
So now, replace them. Destroy them. I do it for them - some of them are in my family. The other reason I do it
How do we help the ones who have been forsaken? The ones who are sinking out of the middle class. Whose votes are nullified by the city dwelling FUPAZ-ites? The ones whose kids are going to schools reduced to day care centers that don't teach anything other than anti-white, anti-American, anti-Western garbage? I am in flyoverland now learning about the disaster my 14, 9, 9 and 5 year old nieces and nephews face. I think your idea you proposed to me a while back was a great one. Let's get in touch and see if we can pilot it for my family.
As for the Karens, NPC's and demoralized, they are harder to help and far less deserving of it.
Thank you for your courage. Keep it up!
Fight on, Yuri!
Refused a booster? Pray you did not take the “primary course” of jabs.
The jabbed are like the American Indians were with smallpox, their immune systems all identically primed, sitting ducks for Geert’s inevitable nightmare variant.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Love this, Yuri! We the people can create a coordinated effort /huge project plan to make miracles and get everyone involved to bring them into belief again, in humanity, as most people are just resigned and cannot see that it's possible right now...some of us have known ourselves and real love to protect us from this a little better...therefore, by the Grace and Mercy of God, we can do this together! Yay, Team!
"Nevertheless Yuri persisted..." Amen.
I remember when my white friends were sharing articles saying that it was racist to want your kids back in school. Here we are after 3 school years of interrupted in-person learning and my child is still struggling to catch up. If there was anything positive in all of this, he had less exposure to the bad apples that public schools refuse to fire.
I ain't nohow deliberately set out to give you a bad time in my recent comments--but I can't not feel that your internal bullshit meter requires a little bit of further calibrating as you mature in your craft.
[36% are disagreeable critical thinking skeptics like us.]
What makes you think it's that high?