Just keep the sardonic antidotal de-demoralization coming Yuri! You are one of my touchstones here on Substack. As a child of those who suffered the Chinese cultural revolution up close and personal you are perfectly placed to sound the alarm.

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Thanks rooster. The best is yet to come!

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"People all over the Earth whether they praise America or bitterly criticize her, look upon you as the only hope for mankind's survival and the last stronghold of freedom. Some may not think in these idealistic terms, but they certainly enjoy the fruits of your civilization often forgetting to be grateful for them."

That's an amazing quote.

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Profound. We are the lucky 4%. 300 million Americans must keep the torch of liberty burning for 8 billion humans.

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Maybe the USA isn't the 'torch of liberty' anymore as so many cities have been turned into violent sh*tholes. In the early 90's I met a Russian girl who was a guide for newly opened up Russia. One job she had was to fly to Zurich to meet a VIP and accompany him back to Moscow. When she landed at Zurich airport she couldn't believe her eyes; she'd been told 'the west is so poor they eat rats' - but she was stunned by the glittering shops, when she saw a florists she couldn't believe that the west had shops selling flowers, and burst into tears. Happy New Year all!

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I remember reading a newspaper article many years ago - before the collapse of the Soviet Union - about a woman who had lived in Hungary - then a Communist country - walked into a U.S. supermarket and fainted in the produce section because she couldn't believe the assortment of fruits and vegetables AND the amount of them.

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Many interesting thoughts there.

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Wow - what a daunting statistic! But if any country can do it, Americans can. I've been seeing a shift to more rational times for a stretch now. And w all of us on Substack and 'we-are-the-news' X and other platforms word is spreading rapidly that we are 'mad as Hell and we're not gonna take it anymore'.

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My first thought is that something turned Yuri around. What caused a committed communist and KGB operative to turn his back on marxism and decide to warn the world of its evil? There is something very important for us to know. I think he has helped us not only in warning us but in the example his actions have shown. Is it possible that love for his fellow man was strong to turn him? Religious belief? Some innate desire? Whatever it was needs to be isolated and promoted in our society today. Obviously there are many who have not been demoralized you are proof of that. How did it happen who are we? What makes us able to think clearly? How do we duplicate ourselves? These are questions I ponder and I would like find answers for. Look for stories of independent thinkers and find ways to amplify them.

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Mises teaches that an uneasiness is what drives human action towards a goal which is perceived to relieve that feeling. Hunger impels us towards satisfying the stomach. What drives the action towards marxist utopia? It is obviously unworkable on its face but millions are buying into it. Why do Yeltsin and Biden have a polar opposite uneasiness about the same grocery store? I don’t know I’m throwing it out there. I’m cleaning my oven right now so I have time to think about this stuff. lol

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Often, all it takes is arriving in America for that switch to flip.

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Yeltsin knew we won when he stepped into an American grocery store.

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Yuri I just watched the video presentation and it has the answer I was ultimately seeking. Thank you for posting it. I think if Yuri were alive today he would also encourage the free and open exchange that we have on the internet. I am agnostic but who am I to argue with his statement about religion. I am not antagonistic towards religion but I have seen it used to abuse people as well. A lot to think about.

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That is a great observation Jeff. We have something good here.

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The thing that opened my eyes was/is the constant lying in the media regarding a topic on which I had some knowledge. If they can't be bothered to get it right, or are motivated to intentionally get it wrong, how can I trust them about anything?

Then Rod Adam's atomicinsights.com blog focused my attention on "follow the money" or the latin translation of the old saying, "who benefits?"

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I wonder if it was just exposure to the reality of the outcomes of the two systems.

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Possibly. The other thing is maybe something deep in his heart just couldn’t support the evil anymore. That’s what I like to think. I want to believe in the goodness of peoples hearts.

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RIP YURI. A true intellectual legend and patriot.

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Either he was a plant by the KGB or the KGB’s worst nightmare; I’m sure a few bosses at Lubyanka “disappeared” when Yuri started talking about classic Marxist psychological warfare and how easy it is to subvert a free society. When we see universities revert to anarchy, politicians talk like commissars, and a legacy media shred their own credibility, the reality is setting in. We can’t say we weren’t warned.

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If he was a plant, what did he achieve?

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Possibly to sow more paranoia and get people to look in the wrong direction. Unlike many western politicians and intelligencia, the bad guys have read Sun Tzu- “all warfare is deception.”

It is coming full circle now regardless if he was a plant or not; who believes things legacy media or anyone else says anymore? College kids supporting a terrorist mob murdering people? Politicians openly calling for forced redistribution and saying “equity (socialism with an American face)” is the wave of the future? It’s already happening……….

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So deeply appreciative that "your voice" is keeping the prophetic wisdom of Yuri Bezmenov alive.

You posted more painful truth is this single post than the Imperial Capital produces in a year.

Please…PRESS ON!

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Education, education, education. We must do whatever is necessary to turn our youngest into critical thinkers and school them once again on reading, writing, math, civics and patriotism. I am in my early 70's, had a public education in Detroit (yes Detroit), I was noted to be above average and had the opportunity to attend "advanced" classes in French, Science, Arts and Literature. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and met regularly in our auditorium to honor all of our students in some way. We had music, we had plays, we had ROTC, we had dances, we had sports, etc. And as I look back we had it all.

All one has to do is follow "libsoftictok" on X to see the caliber of teachers we have let "in" to educate our children. Drag queen story hours, questioning your gender as early as pre-school, pride flags hanging everywhere, instilling how horrible America is as a colonizer and racist country, little to no testing to ascertain where strengths & weaknesses are. We watched as colleges were overtaken by groups that hate (especially Israel), separate graduation ceremonies based on race, safe spaces for LGBTQ, polls that show our students are not opposed to socialism (same as communism) and think it is ok to be violent against those we disagree with.

Hell....I could go on but I am mortified by what I have already written at length. (sorry)

We need "old school" teachers back & in a hurry cause we are losing the generations that come after us. God bless all & Happy New Year

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Dear Tovarisch, thank you for the primer on how to take down the running-dog, lackies of the capitalist empire. Looks like there is not much left for us to do. Oh well, I am picking out my dacha on the Black Sea now.

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Hey Yuri, a friend and I were discussing yesterday how so many here in the Bay Area have been propagandized, and therefore so deeply demoralized. I was one of them until 2020. (I really need to write about all the ways I allowed it to happen to me.) "What made you change?", she asked. "Learning facts," I replied. Happy New Year to you and the real Yuri!

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Love your Substack. Thanks for all the work and effort you put into it. I don't have time right now to read 'Why I Write...' but it's at the top of my reading list. Happy New Year.

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Stunning how right the real Yuri was.

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Awesomeness. Pure and simple.

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Robert Malone just launched his book on PsyWar. Would be fun having him on the podcast with Yuri

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Thank you for this oh wise one

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Keep on Keep'n on Amigo,

SEMPER FORTIS....! 🌐✍🏼⚖️📜🗽

A = A ✔️ 🇺🇲 📯 🦅

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Comrade, while I applaud your stated desire to “take privacy seriously and protect the privacy and anonymity of (your) readers,” such a commendable proclamation may serve only to ensconce your loyal followers in a false sense of security.

Of your good intentions, Comrade, I have no doubt…my concern is with the apparent unwillingness of Substack’s leadership to offer similar assurances to its users.

I have reached out to the Substack leadership, both privately and publicly on this forum, to ask about Substack policy with respect to sharing user content and identity with governmental representatives (when not legally required by warrants), and to date, neither Hamish, Chris nor Jairaj have deigned to respond to my queries.

Until such time as Substack leadership sees fit to offer their assurances of the “maximum legally possible” degree of privacy to its users, may I respectfully suggest that we urge users to assume the lack of anonymity when using this site?

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