You encapsulated right here.: "Imagine moving to red state Texas from crumbling blue state NE/SF/DC and calling everyone who runs it an asshole."

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I think we are going to see a lot more of this. Ambitious soy bugmen moving out of their shithole blue cities/states to red areas on some sort of puritanical "crusade". They are aware enough to know their coastal cities are a shithole but don't know why, so they move to a red city/state where the quality of life is better and then they think they can change it.

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I see lots of folks "flee" California and then immediately start voting in the same way that turned CA into a cesspit. I'm in Austin. Sigh. Was great in the 80s.

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That’s the way of the Evangelical Left.

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ooh good one may have to steal

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Evangelical Left sermon: Follow the Science! Mask and jab up! Trans women are women! Bow to Greta - how dare you! Reeeesist!

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I remember 20ish yrs ago when we were told that as society becomes more secular, it will become more rational.

And now we've arrived at: Men can get pregnant and chemistry is racist.

i guess people are much less rational than we care to admit (esp hard for professors to admit) and that they need religion much more than we realized.

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Shamlessly stole "evangelical left" from Michael Malice.

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Hilarious thanks! Any place being invaded by Silicon Valley refugees is no place for me. I lived in

Austin for a few years when the original Whole Foods had not even imagined being bought by Bezos. We are losing all of our original American heartland cities to the woke and the digitally corrupted.

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I lived in Austin for seven years and watched it decline. I'm now safely ensconsed with my husband and children in a red state / red city, too small to likely be inundated by progressives despite our low crime and lake location. Your observation that the virtual signalling is worse due to their red state location is spot on.

I worked for a digital agency the majority of time I lived in Austin. While there were some smart, creative types there as you can image there was a whole lot of Karens as well. The agency I worked for was international and had offices all across the United States as well as London, Paris, Dublin, and Munich. I was often "lent" out to our Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago offices if they needed some extra UX help on a project.

The woke nonsense was by far the worst in the Austin office. Let that sink in. It was worse than in San Francisco. Progressives in my Austin office felt like the little fish in the big pond and to prove their crazy progressive bonafides felt they had to out-woke the wokest. It was a shit show of immense proportions. I nearly lost my mind, we left Austin, and I haven't been back in the seven years since.

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Thanks for sharing your story, Jennifer. Your family is fortunate to have a strong mama bear. Save a spot for Yuri!

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Denver has fallen. And San Diego is on its way.

Fortunately the Great Wall protects Tijuana from the trouble.

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As you know, we’re north of Houston in The Woodlands. The evening we heard about the crazy mess going on where drifters (cars not hobos) took over city streets, shot fireworks (and more) at police, and basically caused dystopian-level mayhem, we called our oldest immediately. He’s 27 and lives in Austin, but not near where all of this occurred. Even so, once the “thing” dispersed (I don’t think ANYONE was arrested or if they were, they were released immediately), there was unrest snaking out from that area to more remote suburbs where our son lives. He said sirens rang out all night.

Austin has always been a bit (ahem) different. Texans typically ignore that aspect and keep on doing whatever they need to do. But it has gotten far more radical, unhinged, and bereft of any moral compass.

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This is why they always win. These soy scum are absolutely relentless in their quest for more power. They just never stop. Its loke an endless zombie horde, they will eventually overrun you.

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Please please please come shoot our Texas hogs! They are a menace. The dastardly beasts just dug up my veggie garden for the 2nd time in 2 weeks. Time to build another fence...

And yes, Austin is a mess.

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Haha funny you should mention those hogs. I know so many people who allow others on their land to shoot the hogs, my husband included!

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Can Yuri and comrades come cull the hogs?

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Haha heck yes!

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City dwellers llllloooovvveee animals so much, we're overrun with deer and raccoons. Back before the epidemic (of wildlife) folks would shoot out the deer in the city. At least I can trap or poison the raccoons. Haven't thought up a good solution for the rampant coyotes allowed to eat our lesser family members (pets).

They are basically ceding the outdoors to the wildlife. I guess it makes sense since none of them actually like their own lawns. They all hire lawn services, rather than actually doing any real gardening and care and spending time outside in the soil.

Of course if they get their way, no one will have lawns; we'll all be in tiny highrise apts.

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Got to hand it to them thought they keep trying. GOP are in full retreat.

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Evolution in Texas.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rit45cxTPpo

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Interesting timing on your article, Yuri. I just received this in my email from Endpoints newsletter:


Also funny because I literally spend a few night in Austin - my only visit ever - the last week of February 2020 just as people were beginning to take note of the b.s. and was taken to a bar to learn - get this - The Texas Two Step! Ha! crazy world.

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Rona destroyer 🤦🏻‍♂️

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FUPAZ. Reminds me of FUBAR. Pls tell me; i’m afraid i missed the memo. Fun article! Thank Yuri!

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FUPAZ stands for Federation of Urban Progressive Autonomous Zone. Not to be confused with FUPA ;) https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-visit-karenland-fupaz-part

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Really? Sorry im so naive. .. its the cost of being Chinadian i guess. Defined zones? Like the proposed 15 minute cities( corrals)? Courtesy of Austin town Socialist Zealots?

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I coined the term to describe the decaying urban areas.

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Great continuing exposition. Yes the great city of Austin has become the butt-hole of Texas.

Are you familiar with "Babylon Bee"? They did a series of videos with two Californians who moved to Texas, were " immersed" in Texas culture, then went back to California. This video is where they figure out they are REALLY Texans! Hillarious!


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Good lord Yuri at least consider being a sportsmanlike hunter if you're going to go hunting at all.

Hogs are smart and dangerous--worthy adversaries. if one's reciprocal cunning resides entirely on cheating with an aerial advantage--for shame.

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Is using a rifle then cheating with a kinetic advantage?

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I'm not a fan of hunting, but many people are, and when it's done for a practical purpose, with skill and weaponry causing the least possible pain to the animal to be killed, I have no grounds for reviling it.

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Geez, man, u gotta eat! ( not bugs, thanks)!

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Gal. I'm a gal.

Will never turn down a well-prepared meal of wild boar if my caveats are observed.

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yup git on down on the ground and git surrounded by a pack. SCA. Southern California A%%hole. is that correct?

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Yuri, you show yourself increasingly small-minded and with a surprising taste for using surrogates to express your feelings. That seems a little soy bugmanish too.

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hogs will kill you and eat your bones. as seen in many mafia films and especially in Deadwood. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=deadwood+and+hogs&t=h_&iax=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQJPgngJr5jA&ia=videos

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It appears some commenters are failing to carefully read my own remarks, and to comprehend them.

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PS: This is surprising to me, since I thought only smart people read Yuri.

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Houston is not far behind, now that it’s one of the world’s most dangerous cities (#50): https://www.thetrumpet.com/26949-us-has-12-of-the-50-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-world

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Forgive me, Dear Comrade, for not seeing your previous reference to this!

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Great minds think alike! Houston has been officially inducted into the Karenland FUPAZ list: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-visit-karenland-fupaz-part-e69

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My dad went wild boar hunting when I was a kid in the late 70s here in GA, he trespassed on someone’s property by mistake ( his friend had asked him to come to help him on his land since wild boar were also a problem here). He called my mom and said hey Doris I need you to come bail me out of jail, of course she flipped out and asked what happened. He said I shot a pig. She said very solemnly oh Paul I don’t think they will let you out for that. She thought he meant a cop.

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