How To Win America's Counter-Cultural Revolution
An open letter to freedom-loving capitalists about investing in culture to fulfill anti-communist social responsibility
Comrades: American capitalists have a responsibility to protect our civilization from communists.
Our golden age has just begun. Yet we cannot afford to rest on our laurels after one election victory. While we may have won some territory back, the forces of demoralization still control all commanding heights and fortresses. The Ivory Towers, The Swamp, Hollywood, Teachers Unions, and MSM will continue to subvert culture. Commissars will persist every day and reverse every gain the minute they take one electoral cycle whether it’s in 2, 4, or 8 years. We are still outgunned 1,000 to 1 by the institutionalized.
We must win the mimetic war so we never face a kinetic war. Communists always keep fighting until they achieve total victory to implement their dystopia. Ask the kulaks of Russia. Or the landowners of China. Or the intelligentsia of Cambodia. Oh wait, you can’t because the Communists exterminated them. We must make our vision so much more attractive and fun that their ugly ideals fade into oblivion, but it needs to spread and stick in order to succeed. Make the vibe shift permanent.
Investing in culture requires a completely different mindset than what you are accustomed to. You cannot model it on spreadsheets. The ROI is immeasurable, yet undeniable. Consider it part of your portfolio diversification. We can continue to build businesses that generate prosperity, but we must also erode the sentiment that resents success. Subvert subversion before too many become too demoralized to reason with. Seize the memes of production. Everything else is downstream.
The market timing has arrived. For the first time in generations, we have the momentum and initiative. Talent is bountiful and motivated. All that is missing are the funds and the willpower. Plant forests that your grandchildren will sit under by watering the saplings that have sprouted over the past decade. The sooner you take a stand, the less likely it is you will be a footnote in the Communists’ march to destroy freedom and humanity. Would you rather spend on culture now, or bodyguards and bunkers later?
Are you providing $1 million grants to 25 values-aligned creators every year? Because that is what The MacArthur Foundation has been doing since 1981. These “Genius Grants” have spawned a thousand demoralization agents like Ibram X. Kendi.
Are you giving $20 billion to cultural causes you support? Because that is what MacKenzie Bezos has accomplished in only 5 years. Dozens of wealthy leftists like her have sponsored armies of commissars.
Are you fleeing states and cities controlled by incompetent Marxists who steal your tax dollars? Consider yourself lucky to escape the fire for now. The cost is high and we are running out of places to go.
Elon and Trump are generational forces of nature. We can breathe a sigh of relief that they took over Twitter and the Oval Office. If an assassin’s bullet had not missed by a millimeter, one would be dead and the other in prison. They cleared the path and took the arrows for us. Now they need reinforcements to pour it on. The risk of doing nothing is far greater than the risk of taking action. Don’t wait until you are buried and your heirs piss your fortune away to spite you, which is what Rod MacArthur did to his father. The abyss was a millimeter away - don’t let it get that close again.
What legacy will you help leave for all of our grandchildren? We are only in the second inning of this ballgame. The left spent decades completing its long march through the institutions, so it will take a concerted effort to take them back or start new ones. As Churchill said, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” This is the moment to press our advantage. The real Yuri Bezmenov warned us with a sense of urgency back in 1984: “The disaster is coming closer and closer. The danger is real.”
If you need advice on where to achieve maximum impact, inquire within - yuribezmenov22 [at] protonmail [dot] com.
“Innovation involves anticipation. It is having a broad base of knowledge on your subject and an ability to see where the end game is headed. Use all your knowledge to get their first. Set the trend and make the competition counter you.” - Bill Walsh
“Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules… Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon… A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” - Saul Alinsky
“Immortality! Take it! It’s yours!”
"All collectivists… they are shit! If you think differently from them, they kill you. You can't give shit leftists an inch! If you give them an inch they will use it to destroy you. You can’t negotiate with leftists. You don’t negotiate with trash because they will end you! And since we are so much better than them, we are defeating them in the cultural battle. We're not only economically superior, we’re morally superior, we’re aesthetically superior, we’re better at everything than them. And it triggers them! And since they can’t beat our arguments and ideas peacefully, they use the oppressive apparatus of the state to try to destroy us with taxpayer money to influence public opinion and destroy us. And yet they are still losing. You understand? They’re LOSING! They’re desperate, shit leftists are losing the cultural war.” - Javier Milei
For more on the counter-cultural revolution:
"Seize the memes of production" is a great line!
Yesterday's RFK Jr.'s confirmation hearing was a great example of Milei's point of leftists becoming triggered by someone whose arguments they couldn't adequately refute. It was good for them to demonstrate to the public they are screaming witches and pervertedly attracted to children's clothing.