How To Resist Christofascism
The most subversive leftist doublespeak term that undermines America's moral and spiritual foundations, plus full bracket and winner of Trump Derangement March Madness at the end
Comrades: America is turning into a Christofascist country - we must REEEsist!
Christofascist countries are tyrannical theocracies that have no separation between church and state. Their holy rulers have been conquering and subjugating nonbelievers for centuries. Christia laws and morality police force women to cover their faces in public, conduct honor killings and genital mutilations on girls, and ban homosexuality. If you criticize the Christofascists’ religious prophet, they will attack you. Time to stage a stunning and brave protest!
Oops. My mistake. I was referring to the Buddhists. Don’t become a Buddhaphobic bigot! If you are not tolerant of the Buddhists, the police and fatwas will come knocking at your door…
How To Wage a Woke Jihad
Let me start over. Of all the leftist Orwellian doublespeak terms, Christofascist is the most subversive. According to the left, anyone who deviates from their secular cult due to Christian morals and spirituality is a Christofascist. Regime regurgitators are ramping up the boogeyman hysteria that if the “far right” aka anyone but the left takes power, the country will fall from “Democracy” to Christofascism. Therefore we must punish all the Christofascists.
Hat tip to
for this banger cartoon:Democracy is when Democrats win, Christian nationalism is when Republicans win. The only time the left evokes Christian morality is to push open borders, wealth transfers, and identarian idolatry. Some Christians and churches are so demoralized that they hate this Substack for calling out subversion more than the subversion itself. Hell is empty - all the devils are here.
Instead of the Ten Commandments, we must live by PMC NPC Word Salad Commandments:
How To Coin a Term (Part 2)
In this house, we believe…
We must give taxpayer-funded healthcare to everyone including illegals and mandate experimental Big Pharma jabs
Worship Saint Barack, Saint George, and all the regime intersectionality shields like the new Democrat KKK (Kamala/Karine/Katanji).
Trans women are women, let them dominate women’s sports and enter women’s bathrooms - abortions are sacred
Open the borders to the entire third world
Bow to Greta so we can change the weather, keep masking and jabbing in perpetuity
Minor attracted persons can love who they want
The Leftist secular cult inverts morality of the Ten Commandments with new superstitions, clergy, original sin, evangelicalism, apocalypse, and heretics:
How To Become a Cult Leader
Thou shalt worship The Current Thing
Thou shalt make graven images of Fauci, Greta, etc.
Thou shalt take the name of God and all Christofascist figures in vain
Make the Sabbath Day unholly
Hate thy father and thy mother
Thou shalt kill and be released on no bail
Thou shalt practice polyamory
Thou shalt steal from taxpayers
Thou shalt bear false witness against heretics
Thou shalt covet power
Demoralized Democrat officials are now choosing to be sworn in on “banned books” aka child porn instead of the Christofascist Bible:
Democrat leaders can’t even say the word Christian, even after a targeted massacre:
Yet there is always an exception for the protected Buddhist class:
To avoid Christofascism, we must obtain media literacy and only obey the regime’s MSM propaganda:
Finally, congratulations to the stunning and brave JEFF TIEDRICH for winning this year’s Trump Derangement Substack March Madness. His prizes will include a lifetime supply of COVID boosters, Xanax, and pink pussy hats. Somehow ~100,000 readers froth at the mouth for his daily expletive-filled two minutes hate. According to these fine folks, we must fear CHRISTOFASCISM!
His post from last week aged as well as he has:
The typical Tiedrich Trump Derangement Substack reader:
For more details on the other Final Four participants:
On a comment thread yesterday, someone compared the Woke to church ladies. Sure, as far as stridency and vehemence goes, I guess that's kinda an apt comparison. But the end point of both couldn't be farther apart. Christianity is a civilizing force; wokeness aims to destroy it and Western Civilization.
I would highly recommend historian Tom Holland's "Dominion" for an interesting, well-written account of how Christianity transformed the world. An atheist, Holland now finds himself going to Sunday services regularly. He has set foot on the narrow path that many others have taken in our thoroughly degenerate societies.
You're on fire!
I like that UK hate police meme so much I stole it.... Send the UK Hate Police after me.