How To Reason with a Demoralized Person (Part 3)
Yuri's spicy takes on Leftist "compassion", disgust reflexes, and self-inflicted carnage
Comrades: Leftist compassion is a hoax.
Studies have found that the main difference between leftists and conservatives is the disgust reflex. Leftists have low functioning amygdalae with weaker disgust reflexes. It is a literal mind virus. Disgust is tied to compassion. When I feel disgusted, it is because I am compassionate that people are suffering from preventable pain. My tax dollars are being wasted in ways that are making things worse for many people.
Leftists say they have compassion, but they don’t. They will never entertain discussion about cause and effect because the policies and candidates they support lead to harm. If you can’t talk about problems, you will never find any solutions. The only time I have seen leftists express disgust is when they redirect at me for showing them something disgusting - not the disgusting thing itself. Their disgust is reserved for anyone in the out-group who violates their sacred fundamentalist narratives. Some would rather die than change their minds or admit they were wrong.
Leftists are too demoralized to comprehend that open borders, defunding the police, removing cash bail, incentivizing drug use, etc. are causing mass suffering and death. According to polls, half of Democrats wanted the unvaccinated to lose their jobs and half say free speech should only be legal under certain circumstances. Their egos are too delicate and intertwined with their tautologies. As the decline accelerates into normalization, it becomes increasingly difficult to take any leftists seriously. Their cognitive dissonance combines the ignorance of ostriches and the stubbornness of donkeys.
We can all see disgusting carnage every day. Here’s a sampling from the past few weeks: Vibrant youths run over a biker for fun in Las Vegas, but the local media calls it a bike accident | Baby dies of fentanyl exposure at an NYC daycare run by drug dealers | Kids groomed and castrated with support from parents, teachers, doctors, and judges | Veterans kicked out of NYC nursing homes to make way for illegals | Illegals gang rape an 11-year-old girl | California police officer executed in broad daylight | Flash riots and looting in cities like Philly | Father of 3 shot in the head in Chattanooga by a man with 66 previous charges
Hat tip to Conundrum Cluster for detailed documentation on the spate of leftist activists facing consequences: Pro-crime Philly journalist Josh Kreuger murdered in his own home | NYC activist Ryan Carson stabbed to death | Baltimore DIE advocate Pava Lapere bludgeoned to death by a diverse man who was let out of jail early by a Soros DA
Ongoing fentanyl murders by the CCP and Mexican drug cartels:
Ongoing Armenian genocide by US/EU ally Azerbaijan:
If you showed any of these stories to a “compassionate” leftist, how would they respond? You are crazy for thinking this is crazy. You are problematic for saying this is a problem. You are intolerable for finding this intolerable. You are unacceptable for believing this is unacceptable.
Here are the “compassionate” replies I’ve received over the years that may sound familiar to you:
I didn’t see it on NYT or CNN, it’s not happening.
Fake news.
Debunked by a fact checker.
Russian disinformation.
I don’t care, it doesn’t affect me.
Lots to unpack there.
Read the room.
I’m sorry this is happening to you.
You’re a [-ist/-phobe].
Looks fun! (or similar sarcasm/snark)
Fuck outta here.
Orange Man Bad, Florida Man Bad, Spaceship Man Bad.
Elite leftists at the top of Karenland FUPAZ society are Current Thing high priests. They are smug, sanctimonious commissars who preach ESG/DEI/trans to the unwashed masses from their perches in academia, media, NGOs, government bureaucracy, tech platforms, and WEF Wehrmacht corporations. They spend more times in their second homes and foreign countries than different FUPAZ neighborhoods and flyover states. Martha’s Vineyard is their mecca, which is off limits to all lower castes including the illegals they love:
The urban progressive caste system:
How To Visit Karenland FUPAZ (Part 2)
A week in the sex life of an NPC PMC:
Sex Diary: A PMC (Professional Managerial Class) NPC (Non Player Character) scheduling sex with his partner while getting off on moral superiority
The most demoralized comments section on Substack:
How To Post a Cringe Comment - NPC Substackers and the winner of Weimar Price is Right
Yuri tried to warn us about demoralization in 1984:
How To Reason with a Demoralized Person
My tips for reasoning with a demoralized person:
Public’s excellent taxonomy of woke Cluster B psychopathology:
Because their compassion is so screwed up, they present with Buttinski's Syndrome, forcing their "good intentions" on everyone else. These "good intentions" are pathologized into a damaging virus that is deadlier than what anything mother nature or a Wuhan lab could ever concoct.
During lockdowns, there was a news report about a South East Asian country (I can't remember which one). Because of restrictions, people couldn't work and were left hunting rats in the sewers for food. My brother sent the article to my nuts-o cousin and said, "This is what your policies are getting." My cousin wrote back, "That's irrelevant."
Leftists are impossible to argue with. It is a waste of time.