How To Join Yuri at the Natal Conference
I will be speaking at the Natal Conference in Austin on March 28-29 - use promocode YURI for 10% off tickets
Comrades: I will be making my first formal speaking appearance at the Natal Conference in Austin on March 28-29. Many great friends and scholars will also be attending. Hope you can join the fun!
You should join us if:
You want to meet values-aligned individuals and families
You want to find solutions to the derangement of modern dating
You want to create good conditions for your children to have children
You want to protect your community’s reproductive and endocrine health
You want to find partners or investors for a natalist business or policy initiative
You want to preserve and grow wealth under conditions of demographic decline
****Learn more at, and use offer code YURI for 10% off your ticket.
Antifa activist and The Guardian “journalist” Jason Wilson has already written a hit piece about the event - this is the same guy who doxxed Lomez:
For more on Austin and pro-natal ideas:
Excellent, asking my Austin pals if they're going right now! Would be great to meet YB!
Enjoy the conference Yuri! And don’t worry, we won’t tell your wife you’re there. ;-)