Comrades: Man’s World Magazine is the new Playboy.
I am thrilled to host fellow anon Raw Egg Nationalist on The Anti-Demoralization Zone. In addition to publishing Man’s World Magazine, he is a high energy poster on Substack, Twitter, and his podcast. You may recognize him from Tucker Carlson’s “End of Men Special” as well.
In our conversation, we discuss:
How he noticed the subversion around him and became Raw Egg Nationalist
What motivated him to turn Man’s World Magazine from dream to meme to reality
Winning over Gen Z through guerrilla marketing and superior aesthetics, humor, and ideas
Diet and exercise overlaps between the dissident right and mommy blog left
His upcoming book “The Last Men”
Pick up your copy of Man’s World at Passage Press here - use promocode WILSON for free shipping. Packed full of bangers. Read it for the smell of the paper.
This samizdat has a simple policy. Anytime someone gets doxxed or cancelled, I will amplify them. In The Guardian’s dox hit piece on Passage Press’ founder Lomez, they also provided a ringing endorsement of REN and Man’s World:
The Guardian “journalist” Jason Wilson:
Penn State African studies professor Scott Burnett:
“In simple terms, the Last Man is what you get at the End of History, when there’s no longer anything particularly important worth living for. When the great ethical, economic and political questions have all been settled, what higher purposes exist for men to strive towards? The answer is: none. Life becomes dull not through any individual defect, but on an ontological level… This is the crux of Fukuyama’s warning about the End of History: man’s nature cannot be denied. While it’s entirely possible that man will be happy now as one among many billions of equals, each pursuing his own limited goals like making money, buying things, having sex and going on holiday, it’s equally possible that man, or rather some men, will rebel in the name of satisfying their desire to be different – to be better. What we might see instead of a future of satisfied dolts enjoying an easy contentment is “immense wars of the spirit” – and Fukuyama means, quite literally, wars – with wild men letting loose and painting the world red again in the name of personal glory and some higher purpose, whatever that might be, just anything other than endless, monotonous peace and sex and commerce.”
What is your favorite magazine?
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