How To Subvert Subversion with Yuri Bezmenov
Struggle Sessions with Yuri Bezmenov
How To Forecast the 2024 Election - PODCAST with Capt. Seth Keshel (34 min)

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How To Forecast the 2024 Election - PODCAST with Capt. Seth Keshel (34 min)

An interview with Capt. Seth Keshel, election data analytics wizard

Comrades: Captain Seth Keshel is an all-American Army intelligence veteran and analytics guru who has been recognized by President Donald Trump. He writes Captain K’s Corner, which in my opinion is the best election analysis on Substack. Over the past few months, he has broken down each state by county.

***NOTE: Please excuse the language and disjointed flow between minutes 26-28. The DNC hacked our recording :( ***

In our conversation, we discuss:

  • How he transitioned from Army intelligence to election analysis and what skills he transferred to this critical work

  • The state of the 2024 race and which swing states are most vulnerable to “election fortificati

  • How polling works to set narratives and demoralize, which pollsters to trust

  • Why voter registration is the most reliable data and trending right

  • What we learned from the 2020 election and the most effective tactics to counter lawfare

  • The most important things citizens can do to secure the 2024 election

Captain K's Corner
My 2024 Arizona 15 County Trend Forecast
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Captain K's Corner
Watch New York - 2024's Potential Canary in the Coal Mine
I’ve told the story many times about how I spotted the impending Trump victory in September 2016. Media polling was obfuscating the true state of the race in that year’s decisive states – Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada – but I got my hands on a poll showing Trump carrying Ohio with ease…
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This post is for paid subscribers

How To Subvert Subversion with Yuri Bezmenov
Struggle Sessions with Yuri Bezmenov
Subverting subversion is more fun with friends. I host struggle sessions with guests who are countering the cultural revolution with white pill projects. Laughter and sarcasm guaranteed!